Why We Should Completely Eliminate Aluminum Exposure
Aluminum is terrible for our body as it damages your central nervous system. Studies have shown that aluminum exposure in children has been linked to autism. Children may be exposed to high levels of aluminum from drinking water. Brain and bone disease have been seen in children with kidney disease. Bone disease has also been observed in children taking some medicines containing aluminum. And in adults, aluminum exposure as been linked to the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.
Furthermore studies have shown that aluminum can damage your brain. Research has demonstrated that aluminum can produce toxic, oxidative stress in the brain. Your brain can store a lot of aluminum which can result in MS, chronic fatigue syndromes, epilepsy, ADD, Alzheimer’s, Guilliane-Barre’ syndrome (a common post vaccination injury) and other neurological disorders.
Aluminum causes deficiency of important nutrients like magnesium, calcium and iron In our body. ”Trace aluminum levels cross the blood-brain barrier and progressively accumulate in large pyramidal neurons of the hippocampus, cortex, and other brain regions vulnerable in Alzheimer’s disease. More aluminum enters the brain than leaves, resulting in a net increase in intraneuronal aluminum with advancing age. Aluminum is responsible for two main types of toxic damage in cells. As a pro-oxidant, aluminum causes oxidative damageboth on its own and in synergy with iron. Aluminum also competes with, and substitutes for, essential metals-primarily Mg2+, iron and Ca2+ ions-in or on proteins and their co-factors.” (Source)
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