The 79-year old Pope was walking in his long robe and with an incense holder when he did not notice a step down from the platform, thus, he fell to the ground before the altar. An aide, Mons. Guido Marini, and priests around him were quick to help him back to his feet.
The Mass proceeded without a single hitch. He delivered a long homily to tens of thousands faithful who came to celebrate Mass at the foot of the Jasna Gonra monastery in Czestochowa.
AP photo/Gregorio Borgia |
Czestochowa Archbishop Waclaw Depo explained that the pope missed a step because he had his eyes closed. However, he reiterated that he is in good condition and that he did not even complain at all. “Also the homily showed that the pope has strength and this strength he gets from the people.”
Despite having long days of ceremonies, audiences, and meetings, Francis enjoys good health. He had a section of his lung removed during his youth and sometimes he would sound somewhat winded.
This wasn’t the first time that the pope has missed a step, but each time he has gotten up with or without help and proceeded with the ceremony. | ASCS
Source: PhilStar
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