Tuesday, July 26, 2016

This Amusement Park Is Handmade And It’s Pretty Awesome!

This amusement park is out of this world, in the lush forests of Treviso, Italy. It is not located in the hustle of the cities but lies a quaint Venetian restaurant

This amazing an unique playground at Osteria Ai Pioppi—located about an hour north of Venice—began construction in 1969 after owner Bruno Ferrin and his wife came up with the idea to create an amusement park in the forest that would be ecologically friendly. Bruno designed each ride in the park as kinetic sculptures that use little to no electricity, which means the guests power their way through each ride.

If you want to have fun you need to work for it.

Every sculpture in the park but is actually a ride-on device, complete with directions on how to use the rides properly. In the amusement pictured above, Giro Della Morte (which is translated to “Of Death Around”) requires guests to pedal their way around a large, circular structure. Eventually, brave riders wind up going upside down and around. In addition to heart-pounding adrenaline, you also receive a workout that rivals an hour at Soul Cycle.

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