Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Parents Found Stuff Stranger Than Porn In Their Kids’ Internet Histories



Okay so, Googling “Ruth Ginsberg naked” is just the beginning.

Reddit asked: “Parents who have checked their child’s internet history, what is the weirdest or most fucked-up thing you found on it?”

Here are the cringeworthy results.

#1. Develop a love for schadenfreude very early on

OMFGORLY writes “…my boss told me a story of his 8 year old son’s youtube history. Apparently he would take the iPad and just watch videos of Asian children crying for hours on end.”

#2. Explore her political sex fantasies 

CrimsonRainCR says “My kid looked up Ruth Ginsburg naked…Hillary Clinton naked, followed by Spongebob…ending with Condo Lisa [sic] Rice naked. Needless to say there was no more internet for her, still trying to figure out why she wanted to see those people of all people naked, but we can’t talk about that, too weird.”

#3. Roleplay…with herself 

Pris257 writes: “My 11-year-old daughter was role playing on Instagram. She had about 15 different accounts, all different Glee characters. There were some conversations that were getting a little heated—talking about making out and stuff. Luckily, I caught it before any clothes came off. But there was some under the shirt touching. But the saddest thing was that sometimes she was just switching between accounts and rp’ing with herself.

I cried a lot that morning.”

#4. Fail to appreciate the boundless freedom and joy of childhood

From Deimois: “My kids have an old Android phone of mine that we let them play games on. My son is four and managed to figure out how to use the Google voice search. He went and hid in his room and searched for YouTube videos on how to grow up.

#5. Possibly develop a weird childbirth fetish

Flukelady says “I walked in on my 6 year old girl watching videos of animals laying eggs and giving birth. Now, my daughter has watched every age appropriate nature documentary on Netflix and then some. We don’t shy away from informing her about anything she asks, to an extent, especially when it comes to animals/nature. The weird/fucked up part is that she was hiding under her blanket, with the video on MUTE!! And when I took the blanket off of her head she fucking switched tabs, quick as hell. She obviously thought it was something to hide, which made it so weird.”

#6. Learn early on the agony and ecstasy of falling in love 

Not_Jimi writes his daughter searched Google for “DIY crafts to make a 10 year old boy like you.”

#7. Have his priorities ON LOCK 

Another parent says “As the father of a teenage boy in today’s digital age, I’m constantly stressing out about the kinds of media my son is seeking out online. My wife and I try to respect our son’s boundaries, but we know there is a lot of content online that could be inappropriate or even harmful to him. So a few weeks ago, in order to see what sorts of websites he has been visiting, I looked at my son’s Google search history, and it was nothing except hundreds of questions about Bugles corn snacks.”

#8. Show troubling signs of being the subject of “Making A Murderer” one day

AnthraxGrenade writes: “Not parent but cousin. [My] little cousin had [a] tab open called, ‘How to get revenge.'”

#9. Adorably fail to comprehend the subtlety of language 

Selkon 32 shares “Family friends [sic] kid had ‘How to hide bodies’ on the Google search. Creeped me the fuck out, but it turns out the kid just loves playing hide and seek.”

#10. Be a really passionate Bernie Bro

WhileImInTherapy writes, “I remote into my 9-year-old’s computer every once in a while to check his history and delete crap and run maintenance.

A few months ago, I found in his Google search history, ‘I know Donald Trump hates Mexicans, but does he hate Columbians [sic], too? Because my mom’s husband is Columbian [sic] and I love him so if Donald Trump hates him then I want him to die.’

I squinted at this for a long time, then laughed for a much longer time.

What I didn’t know is my son would start constantly Googling things about how much he believes he dislikes Donald Trump (‘Hey Google, is Donald Trump actually the Illuminati?’ WTF son?), so I had to sit him down…get ice cream because why the fuck is my 9-year-old son spending half his life…obsessing over a strange hatred for The Donald.

TL;DR—discovered my 9-year-old really fucking has it out for Donald Trump.”

LOL, as crazy as they seem, believe me, kids tend to do things like these. Don’t judge them by the sweet smile and the innocent look, their brain is learning and picking up on things faster than your computer.

The post Parents Found Stuff Stranger Than Porn In Their Kids’ Internet Histories appeared first on The Bored Mind.

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