Sunday 16, Mar 2025
Saturday, July 23, 2016

Admin LOOK: Heroin-Addicted Mother Was Arrested For Letting Drug Dealer Rape Her 11-Year Old Daughter. SHOCKING!

They say, Mothers know best. But maybe not this one. A 32-year old woman named Corcoran from Ohio had been found guilty in letting a drug dealer r@pe her 11-year old daughter in order to sustain her heroin addiction. 

Judge Leslie Ghiz of Ohio Hamilton County Pleas Court, the judge who handled the case was extremely disgusted with the gravity of the crime and said that it was the worst case she ever had. 

“I can honestly say that, in three-and-a-half years on the bench, this is by far the worst thing that has come before this court” she said. 

The drug dealer is identified to be Shandell Willingham, 40-years-old. He was the one who r@ped the 11-year old girl. 

Assistant Hamilton County prosecutor Katie Pridemore revealed that Corcoran would give her daughter a little heroin as a "reward for being a good girl."

“The daughter didn’t want it but she (Corcoran) said, ‘you’re a good girl. You did the right thing,’” Pridemore said. 

The girl, according to the NDTV article last July 20, is now living under the care of his father and stepmother and is now 13 years old. He is now undergoing medication and medical care. 

Atty. James Bogen, Corcoran's court-appointed lawyer, revealed that his client used to b a loving parent before being a heroin addict. 

She is now sentenced to 51 years in prison after pleading guilty to multiple counts of complicity to r@pe, human trafficking, and child endangerment while the drug dealer is still waiting for a hearing. 

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Item Reviewed: LOOK: Heroin-Addicted Mother Was Arrested For Letting Drug Dealer Rape Her 11-Year Old Daughter. SHOCKING! Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Admin