Thursday, July 28, 2016

Embarrassing And Hilarious XXX Stories.

You would never want to experience this awkward moments in life. But, these are fun to listen though.

Here we go:

Been caught spying

close-up-of-eavesdropping-man (1)

in college, I had the best kind of roommate situation: I shared a bathroom with one other guy, and we actually had separate rooms on either side of the bathroom. With that kind of privacy, I could have a lot of loud sex. And I did.

One night I was sitting on the edge of my bed, with my girlfriend straddling me. It was that great kind of loud, dirty talking sex, and I started to spank her as she rode me. She loved it and kept asking for more, so I spanked harder as we got more and more into it. We got a lot of energy going, and I was smacking her ass pretty damn hard… Until I spanked out of sync with her movement. My hand swung down as her ass moved up, and I ended up missing her entirely and smacking myself in the balls with full force.

I doubled over and immediately fell off the bed, curled up on the floor, blinded by the sudden pain. My girlfriend had no idea what to do, and thought maybe a cold washcloth would help, so she ran to the bathroom and threw open the door… to find my roommate, pants around his ankles, dick in hand. There was an eternity of stunned silence as no one knew what to do or say. She slammed the door shut again, and that was the last time I saw my roommate that year.

Gimme me twenty


I was doing missionary with my ex while in high school. We were in the gym and I was so turned on I pulled out and blasted in my own eye. I turned around because my girlfriend had this terrified look of embarrassment on her face only to stare into the angry face of her gym teacher while the spooge dripped down my eye onto my lip. Yeah that was a great day….

A memorable birthday


So it was my 18th birthday. It was about 12:30am at my house, and my girlfriend of the time and I were laying on the couch watching a movie. My family had gone to bed earlier, and my girlfriend turns her head and says to me “I’m going to give you your birthday present now”. We start going at it on the couch, and everything’s going well. We’re in the spooning position, and there is a blanket covering us up from the waist down. Not too much motion at the time just some good grinding, but I was balls deep in her.

The room suddenly got lighter, but a very natural non-electric light. My eyes look up to see my Mother, Father, and Sister with a birthday cake walking into the room. Singing happy birthday. While I am balls deep in my girlfriend.

A love story


My boyfriend and I did anal.. i pooped on him.
We’re married now!

The post Embarrassing And Hilarious XXX Stories. appeared first on The Bored Mind.

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