Everyone needs to read this.
#1. Faking it
Faking orgasms is an art and most of the women are pretty good at it. But guys don’t take it personally because there are plenty of reasons why we would do this. One of them being, many women do it just to cover up the fact that they can’t achieve orgasm.
#2. Sliding scale
You must’ve watched too much porn and think all women have ground breaking orgasms that will result in screaming and kicking. But that’s not true; orgasms can be small or large. Sometimes they can be so minute that we can barely feel them.
#3. Better with age
According to a survey, older age is associated with a higher likelihood of orgasm during masturbation. Women reach their sexual peak a lot later in life than men do and it’s mostly due to us being comfortable and familiar with our bodies as we get older. It’s also a good excuse for cougar chasing.
#4. Why do women orgasm
A common hypothesis says that it might help with fertilization, enhance partner bonding or improve mate choice.
#5. Getting there
Most women don’t orgasm through vaginal intercourse alone, and men are not the only providers of sexual pleasure. So basically, don’t be so square and use your other body parts to please a woman instead of just jackhammering away as hard as you can.
The post 5 Things Every Guy Must Know About Giving A Female Orgasm appeared first on The Bored Mind.
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