Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Turkey No Longer a Democratic Model for the Middle East

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (R) with Binali Yildirim, the ruling party's new chairman and new prime minister, prior to their talks at the Presidential Palace in Ankara, Turkey, on May 24, 2016. (Presidential Press Service via AP)

EAST LANSING—The Turkish political system, touted only a few years ago as a model for other Muslim countries in the Middle East to emulate, lies in tatters.
The parliament’s May 20 decision to approve an amendment to the Constitution to strip a select group of MPs, many from the predominantly Kurdish HDP, of immunity from prosecution may be the last nail in the coffin of the Turkish democratic experiment.
This amendment sponsored by the ruling AKP was passed with the help of ultra-nationalist MHP members viscerally opposed to any concession to Kurdish demands.
Political turmoil in Turkey has not only complicated its relations with the European Union and regional neighbors but ended hope that a secular, democratic Turkey could be a model for the Muslim world.
Political turmoil in Turkey has not only complicated its relations with the European Union and regional neighbors but ended hope that a secular, democratic Turkey could be a model for the Muslim world.
The amendment’s principle aim is to disqualify HDP parliamentarians from membership. Authorities have already filed cases, accusing MPs of aiding and abetting the outlawed PKK with statements espousing the Kurdish cause for fair treatment or autonomy.
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