University of California
found a link between statins and aggression, and that it occurred
particularly in postmenopausal women over the age of 45.
By J. D. Heyes , contributing writer to Natural News
When you’re given even a commonly prescribed medication for a
specific condition like high cholesterol, asthma or acne – or even if
you’re a woman planning to take birth control pills – you should always
be on the lookout for signs of physical side effects.
But what you may not have expected, is that such medications can also
cause something much more dangerous: They could make you aggressive and
violently jealous, suicidal and even homicidal.
As reported by the UK’s Daily Mail Online, these are
little-known and understood side effects that were only recently
identified, when researchers announced in April that taking statins to
lower cholesterol and for heart problems, can actually make some women
more aggressive and violent, according to their study which was
published in the science journal PLOS One.
Studies have shown that violent prisoners are more likely to have low levels of brain cholesterol.
Millions of people take statins daily, and some government health
agencies like Britain’s National Health Service and the Food and Drug
Administration in the U.S. have issued some warnings about statins,
mostly that they can cause headaches, nausea and pain in muscles and
The women who were most likely to become aggressive were normally more placid than average. (AntGor/Shutterstock)
However, in a study of 1,000 people, researchers at the University of
California found a link between statins and aggression, and that it
occurred particularly in postmenopausal women over the age of 45. That
said, the researchers also found something curious – that the women who
were most likely to become aggressive were normally more placid than
Most Profitable Drug in History
Among the male test subjects, only three were found to display major
increases in aggression, according to Dr. Beatrice Golomb, a professor
of medicine who directed the study.
As further reported by the Daily Mail Online:
The association between statins and
aggression has been known for more than ten years, thanks to studies by
U.S. and Italian researchers (though this is not mentioned on the NHS
Choices webpage on statin side-effects), but it is not yet understood
One theory is that lower levels of cholesterol in the brain may be to
blame. Studies have shown that violent prisoners are more likely to
have low levels of brain cholesterol.
Cholesterol enables brain cells to communicate, so behaviour may be affected if it drops.
Golomb said that statins can raise levels of testosterone, and can
also interrupt sleep, both of which would tend to boost irritability
and aggression.
The research team found a number of disturbing cases of advanced
aggression, including one 59-year-old man who had never before exhibited
signs of aggression. In his case he was reported to have chased his
wife and threatened to kill her, but six weeks after he stopped taking a
statin medication, he went back to his normal, placid self.
In another case, a 46-year-old women reported that she treated her
husband “very badly” for the nine months she was taking statin drugs,
but she, too, returned to her good-natured self six weeks after going
off them.
You’ll Live a Few More Days, at Best
most health care providers and patients don’t know is that twenty years
of research has failed to show that statin use significantly lowers the
risk of dying from heart disease. (photog/Shutterstock)
In his blog, board-certified family physician Dr. David Brownstein, one of the foremost practitioners of holistic medicine, notes that
statins are some of the most profitable drugs in history, adding that
in the U.S., one-in-three adults is currently taking a statin
He adds that if the Big Pharma powers and traditional medical community ever get their way, all adults over 50 will be on a statin.
“Why do so many people take a statin drug? Statins are prescribed for
elevated cholesterol levels with the idea that statin use will lower
the mortality from heart disease. What most health care providers and
patients don’t know is that twenty years of research has failed to show
that statin use significantly lowers the risk of dying from heart
disease,” Brownstein wrote.
He’s right, of course: Heart disease is the No. 1 killer in the U.S., and has been for decades.
“You will need to take a statin medication—which poisons a crucial
enzyme in your body—for two to six years to live a few more days,”
Brownstein wrote, citing evidence from a study published the British Medical Journal.
“I guess a few extra days would be ok if statins were inexpensive and
not associated with serious adverse effects. However, neither is true.”
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